International Migration Policy of Foreign Workers: A Case Study of Immigration and Employment in Taiwan

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สุทธิพร บุญมาก


Foreign workers are part of the Taiwan’s labour market since 1992 as there is international migration policy of foreign workers. In this research paper, a researcher determined to learn and understand the international migration policy of foreign workers for immigration and employment into Taiwan’s labour market. The main objective of this study is to analysis foreign worker migration policy of Taiwan’s labour market in term of immigration and employment as the macro level unit of analysis on destination country. The study indicated that Taiwan government relies on control tools of demand-driven system for immigration and employment the foreign workers into labour market both skilled foreign workers in primary labour market and unskilled or semi-skilled in secondary labour market, which the employers request the right to immigrant and employ foreign workers for the government However, labour demand of employers in the micro level is under the conditions of the macro level on the national interest. In addition to skilled foreign workers, Taiwan also relied on less control tools of demand-driven system for immigration and employment among skilled foreign workers to attract foreign workers to perform in its labour market. Thus, Thai government should develop foreign worker migration policy for immigration and employing under demand-driven system systematically in particular primary labour marker for skilled foreign workers, in order to attract skilled foreign workers as a human capital in Thailand's knowledge base for economic development.

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Research articles


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