Problems and Communities Needs on Water Resources Management in the Yom River Basin

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เขมิกา วริทธิ์วุฒิกุล


The objective of this research is to compare the surface water problem and the need from the government in managing the water resource of the community along at Yom watershed. The data from the project namely “listening to the opinions of the people to get information and to solve water resource problems in the area (citizen’s view)” is employed in this study which conducted by the Regional Water Resources Office 9, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok Province. The Focus Group Discussions (FGD) technique is applied to gain the information from the group members which compose of the village head, farmers, and representative from the water user squad. The five times of FGD are conducted covered the Yom watershed area which is upstream (1 site), midstream (2 sites), and downstream (2 sites). The content analysis is employed in the data analysis process. 

               The results showed that the communities in the upstream areas, middle, and downstream encounter similar water problems which compose of 7 main problems, 1) drought and water shortage, 2) conflict in the community, 3) floods and water erosion, 4) shallow water sources and weeds hinder the waterway, 5) wastewater and toxic impurities in the water source, 6) not enough water storage, 7) the water distribution system is damaged. However, even though each area has similar water problems, but the community encounters the level of violence, longevity, event time period, and the impact of the problems differently. As for the needs from the government to take action to solve the water problems of the communities, it is found that all areas have 7 similar needs which is 1) build a water reservoir, 2) build a weir or weir to slow down the water, 3) build a line or flap to prevent water erosion, 4) set up a water delivery system or water diversion system, 5) dredging a shallow river or water source, 6) improve and repair water storage or water supply systems, and 7) groundwater exploration and drilling. In addition, there are 3 additional requirements that appear only in certain areas, which include set up water management structures in the community, expand plumbing systems, and reforestation in the upstream area.



surface water problem, community’s requirement, water resource management, Yom watershed

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