The Relationship of Economic Factors on Quality of Life in Households of Rubber Farmers Case Study: Non Sawang Sub-district, Mueang Bueng Kan District, Bueng Kan

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Sungkom suparatanagool


The objective of the study was to explore the relation between the economic determining factor and family quality of life’s degree. A sample of 325 cases were selected from the rubber farmers’ household using a multi-stage sampling method. A frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square statistic were used for data analysis.

The findings pointed out that the economic determining  factors of the rubber farmers’ households were firstly, the bowl-shaped rubbers selling which earned around 5,001-10,000 baht per month but they had the expense for 3,000-6,000 baht per month, secondly, laboring the members in their households for rubber tapping with one or two persons per day for working 4-6 hours a day which the range of working as the rubber farmers was 5-6 years, and thirdly, the savings for household’s expense. On the quality of life’s degree, the social quality of life was highest ( = 3.78; SD. = 0.84), the physical quality of life ( = 3.23; SD. = 0.83), the mental quality of life ( = 3.13; SD. = 0.99), and economic quality of life ( = 2.82; SD. = 0.92) respectively. The social quality of life was related to households’ saving (P-value=0.006). The economic quality of life was related to the number of working hours per day (P-value=0.041). The physical quality of life was related to their income per month (P-value=0.018), a period of time on working as a rubber farmer (P-value=0.030), and the number of working hours a day (P-value=0.047). The mental quality of life was related to a period of time on working as a rubber farmer (P-value<0.001), the number of working hours a day (P-value<0.001), the number of workers on each day (P-value=0.019), and the way to save money of each household (P-value<0.001)

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