Evaluation: “Change plastic to merit (When you rotate)” by CIPP-I Model

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Paron Vongchan


The purposes of this study were to monitor and evaluate the results of the project implementation. “Change plastic to merit. (when you rotate)” and to recommend appropriate guidelines and strategies to drive the project
in the next phase. Mixed Methods research was employed. Interviews with key informants related to the project “Change plastic to merit. (when you rotate)” from 4 groups of 16 persons: 1) Campaign Group, Promotion and Dissemination Division, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion as the project owner 2) Networks who provide plastic collection points for the project 3) Partners involved in the project implementation, i.e. cooperation in the government, business, and civil society sectors and 4) Organizations who take advantage including the group who received the product from Recycle/Upcycle plastic waste such as the foundation to support tools and equipment for saving marine life, volunteer groups, communities, temples
or schools, etc. The CIPP-I Model was used to evaluate the project implementation which the results showed that the Context dimension (X = 4.24), only one dimension passed the evaluation criteria, at a very high level, while the product (X = 4.10), Impact (X = 4.05), Input (X = 3.80) and
Process (X = 3.75) dimensions passed high evaluation criteria. With suggestions for improving the implementation of the project, there should be use of
various and reachable public relations media through social network channels to allow all sectors to have more access to the project activities, as well as developing a database of plastics collection to monitor amounts of plastics collected. In addition, proposing incentives to change consumer behavior, e.g. at a department store, customers who do not accept plastic shopping bag will earn reward points; which contributes to more efficient project implementation.

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