Leadership of School Administrators in Promoting STEM Learning Management (STEM EDUCATION) to Enhance Learners in Life Skills under The Rayong Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the leadership of school administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills, and 2) to propose a leadership approach of school administrators. Educational institutions to promote STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills. This research was a quantitative and qualitative research. Using descriptive statistics. The distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The results showed that 1) the leadership of educational institution administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills. Overall, it was at a high level ( =3.95,S.D.= 0.47). The aspect with the highest mean ( = 4.05,S.D.=0.77), followed by curriculum development and learning management ( = 3.97, S.D.=0.54), while the aspect with the lowest mean was the aspect of building a network of alliances ( = 3.82, S.D.=0.55. and 2) to propose a leadership guideline for school administrators to promote STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills. The results of interviews with school administrators, teachers and students summarized the leadership of school administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills should study networking The Coalition for Development in STEM Learning Management aimed to provide students with life skills clarity on school policies. It was measured and evaluated. Establishment of a supervisory committee to supervise and monitor learning management for educational potential STEM EDUCATION model that focuses on learners to have quality life skills
The leadership of the school administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION that aimed to enhance learners in life skills. It will be a guide and useful in the operation. Promotion of learning management and curriculum development in management planning of educational institution administrators
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