Definition Paradigm and Research Design in Public Administration

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Atiyaphorn Chaiyarit


This academic article aims to present the basic knowledge of research in Public Administration which consists of 3 main areas: definition of research in Public Administration, research paradigm and research design in Public Administration. The results of the study were found that 1) Public Administration research is the process of seeking knowledge, understanding facts, seeking answers, testing hypotheses, as well as developing of a new body of knowledge systematically with the goal of obtaining knowledge, understanding, facts, answers, conclusions, relationships of phenomena including new knowledge that is accurate and reliable on issues related to government administration public administration government or government agency including science related to government. 2) For research paradigm in Public Administration the researches arise and grow under different research paradigms. Such paradigm difference arises from different fundamental philosophies of research. That is to say, “Positivism” is the foundation of quantitative research; whereas, “anti-positivism” is the foundation of qualitative research. Understanding the research paradigm under the basic philosophy of research enables the researchers to clearly understand the differences in qualitative research and quantitative research for Public Administration. It also allows the researchers to understand the differences in the two types of research. This will lead to research designs that are appropriate to the research questions. 3) For research design in Public Administration, there are three types of research designs in Public Administration according to the basic philosophy of research. It consists of 1) quantitative research design, 2) qualitative research design, and 3) mixed-methodology research design. It can be seen that the aforementioned three basic knowledge will lead the researchers to develop appropriate research topics in Public Administration and can respond effectively to phenomena that the researchers are interested in studying.

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