Phenomenon of Thai language curriculum in junior high school level Through Postmodern Concepts: Phenomenological Study

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Panatsaya Mingchai
sanit srikoon


The objective of this article was to study the phenomenon of the Thai language curriculum at the junior high school level through a postmodern concept. This study is phenomenological qualitative research. The key informants were 3 teachers in one educational institution. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and observations in the research area and analyzing the text of the Thai language learning curriculum of the school curriculum through the postmodern concept. The results of the study showed that when studying the curriculum implementation process through the four components of the curriculum: aims, content, learning management process, measurement, and evaluation. Some hidden problems were found in the curriculum, namely, overlapping indicators; Unclear school policies in the preparation of the curriculum. Measurement and evaluation are not as comprehensive as they should be. And when the curriculum was analyzed from the point of view of postmodern thinking, it was found that it should be an organizational practice involving consultation with teachers, students, and stakeholders from all sectors. In addition, the curriculum is a battleground for ideological struggles and negotiations that arise from the different ideas and beliefs of people in each area. Phenomenal Perspectives of this curriculum, therefore, do not analyze only the text (Text) only. Interviews with people who are actually involved in the curriculum are required to see a broader perspective through real experiences. The opinions of real instructors to support the study of the phenomenon of the curriculum. But this research is not intended to determine the value of any curriculum.

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