Decoding “Paen Gled” in Architecture


  • Nattapong Chumkesorn Master Degree Student in Vernacular Architecture Program, Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University


Paen Gled, Roofing material, Wood processing, Craftsmanship Wisdom, Vernacular Architecture


         In architectural work, Paen Gled is a roofing material that has not been studied much in the field of architecture. It can be considered something that has been lost over time. Discussing Paen Gled in vernacular architecture usually involves either reusing traditional Paen Gled or applying them in a modern context, in which each approach carries its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to understand the natural materials in order to comprehend the limit of their usage, considering their sensitivity to environmental conditions. This acknowledgment has inspired this research with the primary objective of acquiring knowledge about Paen Gled for application in architectural design. 

         Using the experimental research approach, the process begins with gathering data from various academic sources as well as field surveys. The data is then analyzed and processed to understand the pattern and potential of Paen Gled from both craftsmanship and traditional woodworking perspectives for use as roofing material.

         The research shows that Paen Gled is a natural material requiring an under standing of wood properties to utilize its potential for application in architectural works.


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How to Cite

Chumkesorn, N. (2024). Decoding “Paen Gled” in Architecture. NAJUA: Architecture, Design and Built Environment, 38(1), A23-A37. Retrieved from



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