The Future Environmental Impact in the Food Industry Sector of Thailand and China as a Result of Economic and Social Growth based on Sustainable Development Policy


  • Pruethsan Sutthichaimethee Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University


sustainable development, population growth, GDP growth, income per capita, greenhouse gas, carrying capacity, clean technology, plan and policy, sustainability


            The objective of this study is to forecast the effects of economic growth along with population growth on Greenhouse gas emission in Food Industry sector of Thailand and China due to Economic and Social growth under Sustainable Development policy for the year 2018 to 2045. The study has found that Thailand's economic growth rate steadily rises to 23.45 percent in 2045 and the population has an increase by 7.24 percent. In the meanwhile, the greenhouse gas from the consumption in the food industry sectors would have been increased by 39.2 percent. To China's economic growth rate, there is also a continuous rise by 45.9 percent while its population grows by 5.32 percent. At the same time, its greenhouse gas from the consumption in the food industry sector has increased by 12.75 percent.  However, based on the research investigated in the food industry sector from 2018 to 2045, the environmental impact of Thailand has continuously increased and its impact is much higher than in China. The main reason is that China has a strict policy and seriously implements the carrying capacity policy. In addition to this, China has succeeded at promoting the consumption of clean technology. Therefore, as far as Thailand’s sustainable development is concerned, Thailand shall take a serious action to implement the rigorous policy of carrying capacity.


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Sutthichaimethee, P. (2019). The Future Environmental Impact in the Food Industry Sector of Thailand and China as a Result of Economic and Social Growth based on Sustainable Development Policy. Local Administration Journal, 12(2), 185–200. retrieved from