Strategies for Enhancing Participation-Based Transparency Among Thai Local Administrative Organizations in the Next Decade


  • จิดาภา เร่งมีศรีสุข Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi (Huntra)


The objective of this research is to present the strategies for enhancing public participation in promoting transparency among Thai local administrative organizations (LAOs) in the next decade. The author employed a mixed-methods research methodology through the use of questionnaire, Delphi technique and group interviews as means for data collection in seven outstanding LAOs that received King Prajadhipok Awards.

The study found that the vision for any LAO in the next decade is as follows: “a leading organization with timely, modern, and transparent management and with cooperation from all sectors that work together with trustworthiness, integrity, honesty, sincerity for sustainable community and social development.” The mission is: to promote transparency with the participation from all sectors. Two strategic goals are: 1) to have good management with transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness in personnel management, budget management, public service provision, and project management; and 2) to promote communication, coordination, cooperation, control, and persuasion in order to create cooperation in all aspects of management. There are five tactics: 1) communication power from participation from all sectors; 2) effective coordination from the network; 3) creation of development cooperation from all sectors; 4) joint management in accordance with good governance principles; and 5) persuasion through social innovation and technology.


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How to Cite

เร่งมีศรีสุข จ. (2019). Strategies for Enhancing Participation-Based Transparency Among Thai Local Administrative Organizations in the Next Decade. Local Administration Journal, 12(2), 233–252. Retrieved from