Community Needs Assessment for Capacity Development for Value-Added Ecotourism Enterprises in Nakhon Nayok Province


  • ศุภวัฒน์ ปภัสสรากาญจน์ School of Law and Politics, Suan Dusit University


Needs, ecotourism, value-added enterprises of ecotourism


This article aimed to assess community needs for ecotourism enterprise development, including value-added capability development that is based on community wisdom and resources in Nakhon Nayok Province.  The authors employed the concepts related to ecotourism, need assessment, and the process of lean for social impact or social change into the study. These began from exploring the target areas to determine research hypotheses, and then to determine community behaviors according to the hypothesized framework. A result of this determination led to a value proposition for determining the minimum viable product of activities responding to community needs.  In order to retest the community needs' behavior, the authors took into consideration various sources of data. First, data from group meetings of community representatives, community entrepreneurs, agricultural tourism entrepreneurs, and governmental officers. Second, data of activities in agriculture, community enterprises, ecotourism enterprises, and related enterprises. Third, feedback data gained from tourists who visited the areas. Findings of this study can be applied to create a model of activities’ output that leads to the development responsive to community needs and to the government development strategies. The government should pay more attention to promote and support professional development both inside and outside the communities and should understand the real needs of community before implementing development policies.


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How to Cite

ปภัสสรากาญจน์ ศ. (2019). Community Needs Assessment for Capacity Development for Value-Added Ecotourism Enterprises in Nakhon Nayok Province. Local Administration Journal, 12(2), 253–274. Retrieved from