An Analysis of Thai Education Crisis Based on Karl Marx’s Theory


  • เด่นพงษ์ แสนคำ Center for Research on Plurality in the Mekong Region, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Khon Kaen University


Thai education, Karl Marx, economics, political, capitalism


Thai education crisis is related to capitalism as argued by Karl Marx. Thai education system, as a result, is controlled by discourses and power of the elites similar to means of production being owned the ruling class in a capitalist system. According to the Marxist political economic point of view, education and political economy are directly interconnected. If the ruling class assumes that they are the patrons of society, exploit the capitalist labor structure, capitalize on their inherited feudal wealth, and preserve their status quo by concealing the truth, the state-sponsored education system is rather a mechanism for political control and manipulation.  Under this circumstance, Thai education crisis has manifested in multiple ways: citizens lack learning and problem-solving capacity, disdain and oppose ideological diversity, and have contradictory assumptions on morality.  Therefore, the relationship between political and education crises in Thailand is inseparable: the persistent feudalistic norms and exploitive capitalist economic structure have facilitated the ruling class’s use of education system to control and manipulate the Thai citizens.


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How to Cite

แสนคำ เ. (2019). An Analysis of Thai Education Crisis Based on Karl Marx’s Theory. Local Administration Journal, 12(2), 305–321. Retrieved from