The Development of Organizational Competencies for Local Administrative Organization at Special Economic Zones


  • จาตุรนต์ ทองหวั่น Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University


Organizational Competencies, Local Administrative Organizations, Special Economic Zones


The objective of this research were: to study factors of organizational competencies for local administrative organizations in special economic zones; to find the appropriate organizational competencies model for local administrative organizations in special economic zones; and to develop factors or model of each appropriate variables and can use in development to organizational competencies. The approach of this research was a mixed method. The quantitative research was conducted by studying the population of chief executive officers and permanent secretaries of the local administrative organizations in special economic zones. The sample size of 82 local administrative organizations was drawn and resulted in 164 usable questionnaires. In the qualitative part, in-depth interviews of five key informants were conducted.
The research found four dimensions of local administrative organizations’ organizational competencies including strategic managerial-based competencies, resources–based competencies, performance-based competencies and transformation-based competencies. The findings indicated that the overall the appropriateness of organizational competencies were high. When focusing on each individual dimension, the finding indicated that transformation-based competencies had maximum averaged ( = 4.08) and performance-based competencies had minimum averaged ( = 3.90). Core competency factor can be divided in to seven groups of factor including transformation-based competencies, strategic managerial- based competencies, performance-based competencies, human resources–based competencies, measurement and evaluation-based competencies, participation and equality-based competencies and motivation-based competencies.


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How to Cite

ทองหวั่น จ. (2019). The Development of Organizational Competencies for Local Administrative Organization at Special Economic Zones. Local Administration Journal, 12(3), 335–353. Retrieved from