Knowledge Management to Reduce, Stop, and Quit Drinking Alcohol of The Model Community of Ban San Kwan, Phayao Province


  • Laor Mahawannasri Division of Public Health and Environment, Mae Sai Sub district, Phayao Province, Thailand


Knowledge management, alcoholic drink


The current study aimed to analyze the lessons learned and to propose recommendations for improving the implementation of alcohol consumption prevention and control drinking programs to the “Lanna Stopdrink” network. The studied area was Ban Tun Sub-district, Mueang District, Phayao Province. Keys informants consisted of the executive of local administrative organization, community leaders, public health volunteers, public health personnel, and local citizens.  Research instruments included unstructured interviews and field notes. The researchers used the in-depth interviews, group discussion, and triangulation. Content analysis was used for data analysis.

The result reveals that the success factor of San Kwan Village, Ban Tun Sub-district, yielded from local leaders as the role model in using participatory management and focusing on the community at the sub-district and village levels. Found in the process were empowerment through self-development of the villagers, public relations through the media, and budget support from network partners. Community members perceived substantial changes in many forms:  change in the values ​​of people in not persuading one another to drink; daring to refuse to drink; reducing the amount of drink; health improvement; and expense reduction. The community rules were set along with awarding the “diamond heart” model persons and model families. Younger people volunteered to organize alcohol-free wedding parties. All of these represented the strength of the community.


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How to Cite

Mahawannasri, L. (2019). Knowledge Management to Reduce, Stop, and Quit Drinking Alcohol of The Model Community of Ban San Kwan, Phayao Province. Local Administration Journal, 12(4), 580–594. Retrieved from