Guidelines for Developing the Capability of Large-Scale Animal Feed Maize Farmers in the Nakhonchaiburin Provincial Group


  • Settawat Chokworakul Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


Potential, farmers, maize for animals, large-scale, Nakhonchaiburin


The purpose of this research was to examine the current capacity of large-scale animal feed maize farmers, and to propose guidelines for the development of farmers’ capability. The area of study included the provinces within the Nakhonchaiburin provincial group. The sample consisted of 100 selected members including the chairpersons and members from the Board of Farmers, along with 16 farmers who were involved in the development program. The authors adopted qualitative research methodologies, including documentation research, in-depth interviews, uninterrupted observations, group conversations, and a public forum.

The results are as follows. 1) The members received benefits from the group. Most farmers wanted to assemble as a group to increase their bargaining power. Community leaders volunteered to lead the farmers’ groups to increase reliability. 2) The governmental sector has a policy in place to promote the production of large-scale crops to encourage farmers to unite and manage the quality of production to match the needs of the market. Furthermore, farmers can reduce production costs and increase productivity by using machinery and technology to assist in their production. There is cooperation between four divisions, including Nonthai Department of Agricultural Extension, Bunlung Subdistrict Municipality, Bangkok Produce Merchandising, PLT. (CP), and Agricultural Cooperative. The farmers, who participated learnt about operations, namely, production management, logistics management, and marketing management.


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How to Cite

Chokworakul, S. (2019). Guidelines for Developing the Capability of Large-Scale Animal Feed Maize Farmers in the Nakhonchaiburin Provincial Group. Local Administration Journal, 12(4), 615–631. Retrieved from