A Causal Relationship of Effectiveness in Research Policy Implementation of Rajabhat University Lecturers in the Northern Region of Thailand


  • Wiphat Mankan Lampang Rajaphat University


Causal relationship, policy implementation, research policy


This study aimed to develop and investigate a causal relationship model of the effectiveness in research policy implementation of Rajabhat University lecturers in the Northern Region, Thailand. The sample was 240 lecturers, selected by stratified random sampling. A questionnaire with the reliability of .96 was used as the tool for collecting data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation analysis. The results showed that the proposed model was consistent with the empirical data with c2= 31.333, df= 21, p= .068, c2/df= 1.492, GFI= .979, and RMSEA= .045 by the predicting coefficient of the effectiveness in research policy implementation was .95. It was concluded that external support, organizational management, and personal characteristics could jointly explain 95% of the variability of effectiveness in research policy implementation . The effect of the variables in the proposed model was as follows: 1) External support had a direct, positive influence on organizational management and personal characteristics, with path coefficients of .95 and .97, respectively. 2) Organizational management had a direct, positive influence on effectiveness in research policy implementation, with a path coefficient of .30. 3) Personal characteristics had a direct, positive influence on effectiveness in research policy implementation, with a path coefficient of .69. 4) External support had an indirect, positive influence on the effectiveness of the implementation of the research policy through organizational management and personal characteristics, with a path coefficient of .96. 



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How to Cite

Mankan, W. (2020). A Causal Relationship of Effectiveness in Research Policy Implementation of Rajabhat University Lecturers in the Northern Region of Thailand. Local Administration Journal, 13(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/colakkujournals/article/view/238581