An Analysis of the Readiness of Lampang Province for Community-Based Tourist Attraction Administration


  • Piyarat Wongjummali Faculty of Human and Social Science Lampang Rajabhat University


Readiness, tourist attraction management, community based tourism


This article aimed to: 1) review the context of community tourist attractions; 2) explore the availability of community based tourism personnel; and 3) study factors that affect the development of tourism management potential by communities that lead to efficient planning tourism. The author examined the community based tourism in four communities in Lampang Province. The study found that the communities’ attractions are natural, cultural, and historical sites. The local identity is what attracts tourists to visit.  Events and tourist routes are indicative of a lifestyle and culture that create outstanding social and cultural learning opportunities for tourists. In terms of management, community tourism committees are ready to work for the common goals, have transparent budget administration, share their benefits fairly, and provide facilities, services and security for tourists.  In addition, community based tourism in Lampang has a potential to meet the community-based tourism management standard because the committees allocate revenues for further community development, promote tourism activities that do not affect the historic and spiritual sites of the community, set standards in waste management activities, and stipulate appropriate security measures for the communities.



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How to Cite

Wongjummali, P. (2020). An Analysis of the Readiness of Lampang Province for Community-Based Tourist Attraction Administration . Local Administration Journal, 13(1), 32–46. Retrieved from