Public Perception of the Khon Kaen Smart City Initiative


  • Terdtoon Srichiangsa 0892768596
  • Supawatanakorn Wongthanavasu College of Local Administration, KKU


Smart City, smart mobility, perception


The objectives of this research were to study Khon Kaen citizens’ perceptions of being a smart city and to provide recommendations to enhance these perceptions. This research is survey research, with the target population of 150 people being divided equally into 3 groups: 1) civil servant/state enterprise employees, 2) businesspeople/entrepreneurs, and 3) general public. The study showed that the public already has an overall awareness of the smart city, with the perception of businesspeople/entrepreneurs having the highest awareness. Males were more aware than females, and the age group of 31-60 had the highest awareness. The perception was highly on the infrastructure, especially transportation, on the education system, and a living and working lifestyle which should be accessible to public. On the other hand, social awareness of the smart city was less, which most understood that there would be only government support. Ways to raise citizen perception on the smart city are: 1) raising awareness, 2) developing infrastructure together with cultural development, and 3) providing opportunities for the citizens to participate through public forums.




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How to Cite

Srichiangsa, T., & Wongthanavasu, S. (2020). Public Perception of the Khon Kaen Smart City Initiative. Local Administration Journal, 13(2), 153–170. Retrieved from