The Process of Transformation into a Smart City: A Case Study of Khon Kaen Municipality
The Process of Transformation, Smart City, Khon Kaen MunicipalityAbstract
The objectives of this study were to study the transformation process and the potential effects of being a smart city in Khon Kaen Municipality and the adaptation of citizens in a transforming to a smart city. The author adopted a qualitative research design. Thirty key informants who were representatives of the project executive, business persons, community leaders, civil society leaders, citizens, and sociology and social studies scholars were selected using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed via a content analysis technique. The author found that the transformation process of being a smart city began in 2013, with the development focusing on seven aspects: (1) smart people, (2) smart living, (3) smart education, (4) smart environment, (5) smart economy, (6) smart mobility, and (7) smart governance. The key informants perceived that being a smart city would have positive effects, including people having more opportunities to learn, the use of modern technology in controlling pollution, power saving from having clean energy, reducing expenses, as well as adjusting the townscape for a better quality of life for people. Most of the young to middle-aged people have adapted to technologies that have been developing in various fields and are prepared for being the smart citizens in the future.
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