The Family Empowerment: A New Approach to Social Development Experience of the Posdaya


  • Haryono Suyono Minister for Village Development


Posdaya, Damandiri Foundation, family empowerment, bottom-up approach, community development, MDGs



Pos Pemberdayaan Keluarga or Posdaya (Family Empowerment Post), as a model of community empowerment in Indonesia, was implemented in 2006. It followed the Indonesian National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN), which was built on a community-based approach rather than a vertical clinical approach, through which the community became the focal point of the program, inviting young families to participate in family planning. Within five years, this community-based approach was expanded nationally. Through this approach, communities were invited to establish Family Planning posts (KB Posts) in each village to extend family planning services to the participants. KB Posts eventually became the center of the national family planning program. In 1989, thanks to the community-based KB Posts and family empowerment approaches, the Indonesian family planning programs received the United Nations Population Award. In 2000, the UN launched the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) program, but the Indonesian government showed little initial interest. However, a non-profit NGO, the Damandiri Foundation, continued the family empowerment program through Posdaya in the villages to achieve MDGs with the help of universities, local governments, and volunteers. Posdaya is a forum to empower village families to jointly build the "beyond family planning programs” in the areas of education, entrepreneurship, and the environment, in addition to health, family planning, and the status of women. When the Indonesian government began its massive community development program in 2015, the Posdaya ceased its operation with the number of Posdayas at about 60,000, many subsequently incorporated into the government program.


Keywords: Posdaya, Damandiri Foundation, family empowerment, bottom-up approach, community development, MDGs 



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How to Cite

Suyono, H. (2020). The Family Empowerment: A New Approach to Social Development Experience of the Posdaya. Local Administration Journal, 13(2), 91–102. Retrieved from