Conflict Management by Government Officials in Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in Trang Province


  • Pradthana Leekpai Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkla University Trang Campus, Thailand
  • Thepyuda Fuakong Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkla University Trang Campus, Thailand


Causes of Conflict, Conflict Management, District Administration Organization


This study investigates the causes of conflicts and conflict management in subdistrict administrative organizations and proposes suggestions to prevent or minimize the conflicts. The study used quantitative data gathered through questionnaires from 300 government officials in subdistrict administrative organizations in Trang Province. The statistics used for the analysis were mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage. The findings indicate that the conflicts in subdistrict administrative organizations are at a moderate level. The causes of the conflicts are individual factors, organizational conditions, and interactional issues. The methods of conflict management are compromise, smoothing, withdrawal, confrontation, and forcing. These findings suggest that regularly-provided staff training, fieldtrips that promote knowledge and work skills development, activities for inter-organizational relationships, the mixed use of formal and informal communication, efficient budget allocation, a creation of work manuals, clearly-defined organizational structures, and implementation of good governance may prevent or minimize these conflicts.




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How to Cite

Leekpai, P., & Fuakong, T. (2021). Conflict Management by Government Officials in Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in Trang Province. Local Administration Journal, 14(1), 53–68. Retrieved from