Coping Mechanisms for the COVID-19 Pandemic of Khuan Pring Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, Trang Province


  • HASAN AKRIM DONGNADENG Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkla University
  • Nattipa Nimket aculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkla University, Trang Campus, Thailand
  • Nattawadee Thiangtham Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkhla University, Trang Campus, Thailand
  • Wanwipa Rongdach Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkhla University, Trang Campus, Thailand
  • Wantida Rongdach Faculty of Commerce and Management, Prince of Songkhla University, Trang Campus, Thailand



Coping mechanisms, subdistrict administrative organization, COVID-19


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made a significant impact on the management of government agencies that are responsible for public protection. This research aimed to explore the COVID-19 management mechanisms of Khuan Pring Subdistrict Administrative Organization (SAO), Mueang District, Trang Province. The study was based on in-depth interviews with 56 key informants divided into three groups: an executive and a public health technical officer of the SAO, village health volunteers, and residents. The research revealed ten mechanisms in the management of COVID-19, comprising three key components: 1) leaders’ potential illustrated by, focusing on a leader’s adherence to the principle of public interest, reaching out to the people, and closely following up the situation for decision-making and problem-solving; 2) disaster management, including the preparation of standby personnel through meetings and training on for COVID-19 response, preparation of complete prevention tools, access control implementation, and information dissemination to the public through various channels; and 3) integration of cooperation in disaster response, stressing operation integration with relevant agencies, cooperation effort with local residents, and assistance coordination from the private sector. In order to enhance the management of the situation, this research recommends two-way communication, feedback reflection, and cooperation extension to local government organizations in neighboring areas and civil society organizations in coordinating assistance and exchanging procedures when dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.




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How to Cite

DONGNADENG, H. A., Nimket, N., Thiangtham, N., Rongdach, W., & Rongdach, W. . (2021). Coping Mechanisms for the COVID-19 Pandemic of Khuan Pring Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, Trang Province . Local Administration Journal, 14(3), 291–308.