Development of Village Committees’ Performance Indicators in Integrating Area-Based Collaboration for Fighting Drug Problems at the Village Level in Thailand
Thai Village Committee, Performance Indicators, DrugAbstract
This research aimed to study the development of village committees’ performance indicators to integrate spatial cooperation to overcome drug problems at the village level in Thailand. The authors employed a Delphi research approach with 18 experts and three rounds of data collection. Descriptive statistics used to analyze the data were standard deviation and range. The results showed that four measurements and 59 indicators were derived from the development of village committee performance indicators in overcoming drug problems at the village level. The measurements and indicators are categorized into 1) Administration – consisting of 20 indicators; 2) Drug Prevention in a village – consisting of 14 indicators; 3) Drug Suppression in a village – consisting of 12 indicators; and 4) Drug-related Rehabilitation in a village – consisting of 13 indicators
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