The Influence of Branch Managers’ Servant Leadership on Banks’ Constructive Organization Culture and Effectiveness


  • Putwimon Chotchara Doctor of Philosophy program in Department of Management, Prince of Songkla University, Songkla, Thailand
  • Kittisak Sangthong Faculty of Management Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus, Thailand



Servant leadership, constructive organization culture, effectiveness, Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative (BAAC)


The objective of this research was to examine the influence of servant leadership of the branch managers on banks’ constructive organization culture and effectiveness as perceived by employees of the southern branches of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative (BAAC). The sample was composed of 413 BAAC employees. The stratified proportional sampling method was applied to sample. Research instruments was a questionnaire with a 5-point rating scale. Statistical technique was Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research results showed that the model was consistent with the empirical data with goodness of fit measures of: c2/df = 1.847; RMSEA = 0.045; CFI = 0.99; SRMR = 0.037; AGFI = 0.92. It was found that the servant leadership had a positive and direct influence on constructive organization culture. It was also found that servant leadership had a positive and direct influence on the effectiveness of BAAC. Thus, BAAC managers should give importance to servant leadership for enhancing the service quality, consequently increasing the BAAC performance in accordance with the Thailand 4.0 model.



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2021-12-30 — Updated on 2022-02-28


How to Cite

Chotchara, P., & Sangthong, K. (2022). The Influence of Branch Managers’ Servant Leadership on Banks’ Constructive Organization Culture and Effectiveness. Local Administration Journal, 14(4), 397–414. (Original work published December 30, 2021)