Local Governments’ Strategy on the Sustainability of Micro Enterprises Amidst the Uncertainty of the Covid-19 Pandemic: SWOT Analysis
COVID-19, SWOT analysis, micro-enterprise, government strategyAbstract
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has significantly impacted the global and Indonesian economies, especially on Micro-enterprises (MIEs). This article examines the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on these businesses and presents a SWOT analysis to evaluate the government strategy for MIEs to reduce company losses and survive the crisis based on case studies in Bantul and Sleman Districts. We conducted a SWOT analysis with a qualitative descriptive technique and a thorough review of the field literature, which included policy documents, research papers, and reports. The data was also examined using NVIVO Plus 12. The findings of this study show that the government in Bantul and Sleman Districts is beginning to seek digitalization to assist MIEs, but their weakness is that government employees still have a low level of knowledge about information technology (IT), which hinders their performance in supporting digital activities carried out to assist MIEs. The opportunity they have is for the Bantul and Sleman District governments to strengthen their relations and cooperation in order to promote MIEs products. However, the complicated bureaucracy creates significant barriers that threaten the sustainability of MIEs in the two districts. Finally, some recommendations for reducing the threats identified in the SWOT are made. In addition to the specific goals of this work, it is expected that the results presented here will serve as a foundation for future research, allowing specific analyses to be improved.
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Personal Interview
Head of Development. Bantul Cooperatives and SMEs Service. (2021, August 18). Personal communication [Personal interview].
Head of Micro Business Development. Sleman Cooperatives and MSMEs Service. (2021, Sept 4). Personal communication [Personal interview].
Martini, A. (2021, August 29). Personal communication [Personal interview].
Menik. (2021, August 29). Personal communication [Personal interview].
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