Readiness of City Municipalities and Town Municipalities Officers for Requesting Budget Allocation


  • สันติสุข แก่นดำ Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • Pirada Chairatana Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University, Thailand


Budgeting cycle, budget receiving organization, work readiness, work environment


This research aimed 1) to study the level of work readiness in the budgeting cycle of the authorities of City Municipalities and Town Municipalities 2) to study the level of opinion about the work environment of the authorities of City Municipalities and Town Municipalities 3) to compare the work readiness in the budgeting cycle of the individual factor and 4) to study the relationship between work environment factors and the work readiness in the budgeting cycle of the authorities of City Municipalities and Town Municipalities. The sample group consisted of 260 from authorities of City Municipalities and Town Municipalities nationwide. The results revealed that the authorities of City Municipalities and Town Municipalities were ready to work in the overall budgeting cycle is high. But with a moderate level of intellectual readiness. And has a high level of overall work environment. The hypothesis testing results showed that different educational levels and position types had different work readiness in the budgeting cycle. In respect of different sexes, age, government service life, organizational status, and region in which the organization is located there was no difference in the readiness to operation in the budgeting cycle. It was also found that the work environment factor is related to the readiness to perform the budgeting cycle.




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How to Cite

แก่นดำ ส., & Chairatana, P. . (2022). Readiness of City Municipalities and Town Municipalities Officers for Requesting Budget Allocation. Local Administration Journal, 15(2), 139–162. retrieved from