Conditions Leading to the Success of Collaborative Governance for Solving Problems of the COVID-19 Crisis: Analysis of the Performance of Two Levels of Local Administrative Organization


  • NOPPON AKAHAT Suthothai Open University


Collaborative Governance, the Covid-19 Pandemic, Local Administrative Organization


The purpose of this study was to analyze conditions leading to the success of local administrative organizations using collaborative governance for solving problems of the COVID-19 crisis. The study used the qualitative research method. Two local administrative organizations were selected for study: Hua Hin Municipality, Prachuap Khiri Khan, and Wiang Sub-District Administrative Organization, Thoeng District, Chiang Rai. The data were collected by in-depth interviewing from 22 participants. Results were analyzed by content analysis and finding the consistency between the accuracy of the data by using a triangular method. The results showed the conditions towards the success of local administrative organization using collaborative governance for solving problems of the COVID-19 crisis consisted of: 1) condition of starting a collaboration such as dissimilation of authorities, resources and capacities among the involved partners; incentives to build the collaboration of the involved partners and the background of the collaboration of the involved partners; 2) condition of institutional development in collaborative governance of the involved partners; and 3) condition of facilitative leadership in mobilizing to the collaborative governance of the partners.



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Translated References

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How to Cite

AKAHAT, N. (2022). Conditions Leading to the Success of Collaborative Governance for Solving Problems of the COVID-19 Crisis: Analysis of the Performance of Two Levels of Local Administrative Organization. Local Administration Journal, 15(3), 279–296. Retrieved from