Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Management by Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMR) and Public Awareness in Bang Khen, Lat Phrao, and Chatuchak Districts


  • Ladawan Khaikham Kasetsart University


E-waste, WEEE, Thailand, BMA, local governmental organization


This research aims to (1) investigate the process of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) management by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMR); and (2) study public awareness about e-waste management in Bang Khen, Lat Phrao, and Chatuchak Disticts. Data from interviews with representatives shows that the BMA is responsible for managing WEEE as hazardous waste. However, the BMA still has limited powers to enact specific laws and a lack of potential to manage WEEE effectively. Moreover, data from a survey of 422 participants shows that 93 percent of the respondents already knew about e-waste. Most of them own about 1–5 pieces of e-waste per week. Most of the e-waste was electrical and electronic tools and lighting equipment. However, 22 percent of participants chose to keep their WEEE because it was unclear how to properly dispose them. In conclusion, cooperation between government agencies, state enterprises, the private sector, and the public is necessary in the process of WEEE management effectively.




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2022-09-30 — Updated on 2022-09-30


How to Cite

Khaikham, L. (2022). Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Management by Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMR) and Public Awareness in Bang Khen, Lat Phrao, and Chatuchak Districts. Local Administration Journal, 15(3), 297–320. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/colakkujournals/article/view/259771