The So Phisai Model: A New Approach to Local Development Based on Community Museum Mechanism



Life Community Museum, Museology, Local Development, So Phisai District, Bueng Kan Province


This article assesses museology theory in the role of museums as a focal point of local development. The study was conducted based on the experience of the Life Community Museum Bueng Kan and eight community museums located in So Phisai District, Bueng Kan, Thailand. The study offers a new local development approach, the “So Phisai Model,” in which community museums play an important role in initiating, managing, and integrating multiple development programs at the community, sub-district, and district levels. This model also proposes a new method to community resources management and inclusive income distribution. A further argument made by the authors is that the community museum approach has a high potential to make a significant contribution to local development in Thailand, a method that local governments should integrate into their development plans in a comprehensive manner. Moreover, this study reveals that the museum is a missing sector in the collaborative governance literature. Thus, the enlargement of community museums into other cities across Thailand and further research into the roles of community museums within local collaborative systems would broaden the boundaries of local collaborative governance theory.


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How to Cite

Pholsim, S., & Suriya, S. (2023). The So Phisai Model: A New Approach to Local Development Based on Community Museum Mechanism. Local Administration Journal, 16(2), 289–312. retrieved from