Impact of Force Account Procurement Methods in Achieving Value for Money in Kigamboni Municipal Council, Tanzania


  • Flavianus Ng'eni Institute of Finance Management (IFM) , Tanzania
  • Yohana Joseph Mdodo Institute of Finance Management (IFM), Tanzania


Force account, procurement, value for money, public procurement


Most governments particularly in developing countries focus on increasing efficiency while lowering operational costs which force them to employ simple procurement methods. The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of force account procurement methods in achieving value for money in the Kigamboni Municipal Council. Force account is the procurement method in which public projects are undertaken by using own personnel and equipment or collaborating with other public or private entities. In order to achieve the objective of the study, the researchers employed structured questionnaires to collect primary data from the key respondents. The study adopted a correlational research design whereby the data were analyzed using a statistical package (inferential statistics). The findings of the study revealed that the majority of the respondents agreed that cost-effectiveness, time management, quality of output, and monitoring and evaluation have a significant influence on value for money. Moreover, the findings of correlation analysis reveal a positive and statistically significant relationship between cost effectiveness, time management, quality of output, monitoring and evaluation and, value for money. It is evidently confirmed that the force account procurement method can have a significant impact on the value for money in various local projects. Therefore, the study authors recommend that the government should develop a policy that will design a joint relationship with private entities to allow immediate delivery of materials and human capital for projects which are undertaken through force account. This will ensure that projects are completed as scheduled, while adhering to cost-effectiveness, quality, and warranting the value for money. The policy should also consider risks associated with capital projects and implementation criteria toward the execution of projects for easy assessment of quality, standards, and time factors. Furthermore, the policy should take into consideration prompt payments to suppliers who deliver materials to various capital projects undertaken through force accounts after being inspected by the team of experts as required under the Public Procurement Act (2011 as amended in 2022) and Public Procurement Regulations (2013 as amended in 2016).


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How to Cite

Ng’eni, F., & Joseph Mdodo, Y. (2023). Impact of Force Account Procurement Methods in Achieving Value for Money in Kigamboni Municipal Council, Tanzania. Local Administration Journal, 16(4), 463–480. Retrieved from