Locus of Control, Social Support, Self - Determination, and Self - Directed Learning of Students at Kasetsart University, Bangkhen Campus


  • Nirunrat Singtana Kasetsart UniversityFaculty of Social Sciences Kasetsart University
  • Ngamlamai Piolueang Faculty of Social Sciences Kasetsart University


Self - determination, Self - directed Learning


The objectives of this study were the following 1) to study the personal factors, locus of control, social support, self-determination and self-directed learning of students, 2) to study the influence of  personal factors, locus of control and social support on self-determination of students, 3) to study the influence of the personal factors, locus of control, and social support on self-directed learning of students, and 4) to study the relationship between  self-determination and self-directed learning of students. The data were collected from 703 students at Kasetsart University, Bangkhen Campus by using questionnaires, The results were as following: 1) The level of internal locus of control, social support, self-determination, self-directed learning were at the rather high level and external of control were at moderate level. 2) The internal locus of control, the social support in emotion support, the social support in information support, and the social support in instrumental support had positively influenced on self-determination of students and those of factors could explain it at 55.0 percents (R2= .550) 3) The internal locus of control, the social support in emotion support, the social support in appraisal and the social support in instrumental support had positively influenced on self-directed learning of students and those of factors could explain it at 52.2 percents. (R2= .522) 4) Self-determination had highly correlated with self-directed learning with statistic signification at the level of 0.01 and the correlation coefficiency was 87.2.


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How to Cite

Nirunrat Singtana, & Ngamlamai Piolueang. (2021). Locus of Control, Social Support, Self - Determination, and Self - Directed Learning of Students at Kasetsart University, Bangkhen Campus. KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 35–46. retrieved from



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