The Factor Analysis of Distress Tolerance of Adolescence in Northeastern


  • Umaporn Waiyarat Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University
  • Rungson Chomeya Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University


A factor analysis, Distress tolerance, Adolescent in north Eastern


The purpose of this research were to analyze the factors of distress tolerance of adolescents in north eastern. The population were 255,094 students who studying in years 1-years 4 area in north eastern of academic year 2018. The research samples were 1,441 in undergraduate students, sampling by multistage random sampling method. The research instrument was  55 items of distress tolerance test with the Item objective congruence between .60–1.00 , reliability of .91 and Item discrimination  between .27 - .55 The data were analyzed with second order confirmatory factor analysis. The result were that the distress tolerance of adolescent in northeastern consisted of five main factors : 1. Tolerance of uncertainty 2. Tolerance of ambiguity 3. Tolerance of frustration 4. Tolerance of negative emotion. 5. Tolerance of discomfort physically .These five factors were relevant to the empirical data. Factor loading was at .01 statistic significant level. The model for distress tolerance of adolescents in north eastern was consisted with the empirical data provided c2=1501.78, df =1425, GFI=.964, AGFI =.961, RMSEA = .006 and The weight of each factor was between .77 to .97.


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How to Cite

Waiyarat, U. ., & Chomeya, R. . (2020). The Factor Analysis of Distress Tolerance of Adolescence in Northeastern. KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(3), 154–164. retrieved from



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