Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Sustainable Leadership for Educational Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bueng Kan


  • Jaturon Sudtama Students, Master of Education Program in Educational Administration and Quality Development, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Khon Kaen University
  • Wallapha Ariratana Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Education, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Khon Kaen University


Sustainable leadership, Confirmatory factor analysis, Educational administrators


This study aimed to 1) investigate the components and indicators of sustainable leadership for educational administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bueng Kan, and 2) examine the congruence of the sustainable leadership component model and its indicators with empirical data. The research sample consisted of 320 participants, including school administrators and teachers, selected using a multistage sampling method based on school size. The research instrument was a questionnaire validated for content validity (IOC) by three experts, with a reliability coefficient of 0.977 for the entire instrument. Data analysis was performed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with Mplus 7.0 software. The findings revealed that sustainable leadership for educational administrators comprises four main components with a total of 12 indicators: 1) distributed leadership (3 indicators), 2) deep learning (3 indicators), 3) diversity promotion (3 indicators), and 4) social justice (3 indicators). Additionally, the analysis showed that the sustainable leadership component model demonstrated a good fit with empirical data.




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How to Cite

Sudtama, J., & Ariratana, W. (2024). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Sustainable Leadership for Educational Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bueng Kan. KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(3), 113–124. Retrieved from



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