
A Derivative Literary Work to honor or dishonor the original work?


  • รื่นฤทัย สัจจพันธุ์ อดีตอาจารย์ประจำภาควิชาภาษาไทย คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำแหง


FanFic, Internet, derivative literary work, copyright infringement


FanFic or Fan Fiction is a genre of fiction which has become popular and widespread on the internet. It is fiction about characters, settings, and situations taken from an roiginal work of fiction or super stars, recreated by "fans" of that popular work who may change the end of the story, lengthen the story, or create a new story using the characters from the original work or the character of a real person. Five types of fan fiction written by Thai writers were found : fanfic of movie stars or pop singers especially Korean pop singers, fanfic of western novels, fanfic of Japanese manga, anime and online games, fanfic of Thai contemporary novels and fanfic of Thai classical literature. Fanfic is work originated from the passion one has for the characters of the original works such as movies or novels or picture books. The writers of fanfiction intend to praise and honor the books or the characters they love but many fanfictions are written with carelessness, irresponsibility and without respect. Many original works or the real life of super stars are changed into gay novels which diminish the value of the original works or their beloved super stars. Futhermore fanfic writing for commercial purposes is illegal under copyright law.




How to Cite

สัจจพันธุ์ ร. (2019). FanFic: A Derivative Literary Work to honor or dishonor the original work?. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 38(1), 9–50. Retrieved from