Status and Power of Octavian Caesar in Roman History


  • ธิติพงศ์ มีทอง มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ ราชภัฏนครปฐม


Ministerial Reformation, Military Reformation, Princeps, Augustus


This article aims to study the status and power of Octavian Caesar after establishing himself as a new ruler of the Roman Republic. He largely reformed the deteriorating Roman administration after Rome had sunk in a civil war. Octavian reformed the ministerial administration along with military administration in 27 B.C.. He was thus regarded to be the supreme Roman leader. The results showed that this reformation resulted in great changes in two new dimensions of both secular and spiritual leader. Furthermore, his reformation led to the transformation of Rome from a republic into an empire.


Buchan, John. (2003). Augustus. Cornwall : Stratus Book Ltd.

Dio, lan Cassius. (1987). The Roman History : The Reign of Augustus. London : Penguin Classics.

Eck, Werner. (2007). The Age of Augustus. Carlton : Blackwell Publishing Ltd.




How to Cite

มีทอง ธ. (2020). Status and Power of Octavian Caesar in Roman History. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 36(1), 204–225. Retrieved from