Sexual Diversity on Perspectives of Christian and Buddhist Ethics


  • หริณวิทย์ กนกศิลปธรรม กลุ่มสาระสังคมศึกษา ศาสนา และวัฒนธรรม โรงเรียนกาญจนาภิเษกวิทยาลัย (พระตำหนักสวนกุหลาบมัธยม)


Sexual Diversity, Gender, Religious Ethics


This paper aims to present the perspectives of Christian and Buddhist ethics on a group of people who identify themselves being sexually diverse, or LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender), by using the interpreted and explained data from liberal religious ethicists. The findings of the study initially show that there are some interpretations of Christian and Buddhist instructions which do not encourage LGBT's diversely sexual behavior. However, there are some doctrines in Christianity and Buddhism, relating to the dignity and value of human beings, which are able to be undertaken by LGBTs and provide LGBTs with more social opportunities in addition, both Christianity and Buddhism share some similarities on ethical principles, viz; from their viewpoints, diversity of sexual behavior immoral, so people in communities should have more sympathy towards those who are the victims of prejudice.


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How to Cite

กนกศิลปธรรม ห. (2020). Sexual Diversity on Perspectives of Christian and Buddhist Ethics. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 35(2), 101–122. Retrieved from