The Values of Characters in Kingchats in Kingchat’s Novels


  • วิรัลพัชร จรัสเพชร คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


characters, values, Kingchat


This article aims to study the values of characters in 33 Kingchat's novels. The results show that the values of characters in Kingchat's novel can be separated into three types : the entertainment value, the illustration value and verisimilitude value. For the entertainment value, Kingchat used knowledge, ideas and beliefs are an important part to create exciting and emotional characters. For the illustration value, Kingchat created traditional characters to clearly present and focus on the differences and the effects of good and evil. As for as the verisimilitude value is concerned Kingchat created the characters by using the background and personalities of people in the community, so as to reflect the reality of man.


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How to Cite

จรัสเพชร ว. (2020). The Values of Characters in Kingchats in Kingchat’s Novels. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 34(2), 244–265. Retrieved from