The Way of Life of Community in Tha Nam Nonthaburi, A.D. 1928–1983


  • ภควุฒิ ทวียศ คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


community in Tha Nam Nonthaburi, Nonthaburi Province


Tha Nam Nonthaburi has played a key role in Nonthaburi Province since 1928 due to the relocation of the Nonthabui City Center and the Severe Penalty Prison to the Community in Tha Nam Nonthaburi. Consequently, the community became the economic and social center of the Province. The economic and social expansion of the community in Tha Num Nonthaburi continued incessantly until a severe flood in 1942 and the Second World War (1941–1945). These crises temporarily slowed down the economy of the community. However, the First National Economic and Social Development Plan (1961-1966) was implemented by Marshal Sarit Tanarat. Based on this plan, the Government had a policy to develop Nonthaburi to accommodate the growth of Bangkok. As a result in Tha Nam Nonthaburi was economically and socially redeveloped. Although the National Economic and Social Development Plan contributed economically and socially to the development of the community in Tha Nam Nonthaburi, it had adverse impacts on the local way of life. Pottery and farming were particularly affected. Farming areas were converted to serve housing purposes such as estates, shop houses, and condominiums.


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How to Cite

ทวียศ ภ. (2020). The Way of Life of Community in Tha Nam Nonthaburi, A.D. 1928–1983. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 32(2), 42–70. Retrieved from