Chinese Schools in Monthon Krungthep Chinese Political Ideologies in the Reign King Rama VII


  • รวิพรรณ จารุทวี คณะอักษรศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


Chinese Schools, Chinese political ideologies, Private School Act of 1918, Ministry of Public Instruction, Monthon Krungthep


The author's intention is to portray the role of Chinese schools in Monthon Krungthep during the reign of King Rama VII. The study found that due to the dissemination of Chinese political ideologies, directly influenced by China's political struggle between the communists and nationalists at that time; Chinese schools came under speculation from the Siamese government. This was due to a fear of similar political changes occurring in Siam, which would be of great ideological confliction. In turn, the government enforced heavy control over Chinese schools in order to prevent harmful ideologies leaking into the public domain.


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How to Cite

จารุทวี ร. (2020). Chinese Schools in Monthon Krungthep Chinese Political Ideologies in the Reign King Rama VII. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 31(2), 136–171. Retrieved from