Analysis of Climates in Asia


  • Numpawon Kitrackool Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University




Asia is surrounded by waters: the Artic Ocean in the North, the Pacific and the South China Sea in the East, the Indian Ocean in the South, and the Mediterranean Sea in the West. As a result, the areas along the coasts tend to have heavy rains, whereas the middle of Asia which covers a vast area receives a small amount of rain because it is blocked by mountains. The continent also displays great variations of latitudes. That is to say, the southern part of Asia is near the equator, but the northern part is of much higher latitude. This diversity exposes different parts of the continent to the different intensity of heat, making the continent have different climates.
Other factors, including the sca, the ocean, the locations, and the latitudes, also contribute to several distinct Asian climatic patterns. These patterns wil range from tropical, dry, warm, cold to icy climates. The sub-climatic patterns also exist in the climates above mentioned. Therefore, in order to identify a climatic pattern of a particular area in Asia, the data on temperatures and rainfalls recorded by Meteorological Stations are essentially needed to take into consideration in the analysis.


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How to Cite

Kitrackool, N. (2021). Analysis of Climates in Asia. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 27(1), 141–164. Retrieved from