Strengthening families in community by Sufficiency Economy

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Worawut Phungpak
Benjawan Poorit
Uwanda Neuated
Nuanphajong Saleephol
Koraaek Kanchanabhokin
Yannakorn Toprayoon


This research aims to seek a sufficiency economy approach to strengthening families for self-reliance in the community. The research is mixed quantitative methods and the research instruments are 400 questionnaires which is checked according to the guidelines. The samples were family representatives in the area of responsibility of the Office of Academic Promotion and Support 8. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Correlation (r). The research tool was the interviews with key informants. The samples were selected by purposive sampling from academics philosopher, people whose work related to family, and people whose work related to Sufficient Economy in the responsibility area of the Office of Academic Promotion and Support 8. The researcher found that 20% of the respondents were motivated by sufficiency economy (moderation, rationality, immunity) in knowledge and relationship with The correlation coefficient of R = .797 was positively correlated with 79.7%. According to Sufficiency Economy Guidelines for Strengthening Families for Self-Reliance in Communities, To begin learning is to learn to have deep knowledge. On the basis of virtue, according to the Noble Eightfold Path. (Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration) Then practice the knowledge and moral in order to meet efficiency in oneself and family and adapt it into everyday life.

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How to Cite
Phungpak, W. ., Poorit, B. ., Neuated, U. ., Saleephol, N. ., Kanchanabhokin, K. ., & Toprayoon, Y. . (2020). Strengthening families in community by Sufficiency Economy. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 45–56. retrieved from
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