Articles submitted for publication must never have been published or are under consideration by a qualified person for publication in another journal. Authors must follow the criteria for submitting academic or research articles for publication in journals. The citation system must comply with the guidelines of the journal.

The views and opinions expressed in an article in a journal are the responsibility of the author of the article and are not the views and responsibility of the journal editorial staff and the author must take into account research ethics. Do not infringe or plagiarize others' works as their own. The journal has determined the duplication of the work.   Thaijo website CopyCat program at the level of not more than 20% effective from June 2020.

The journal will charge a fee of 6,500 baht  (six thousand five hundred baht net).  The author must check the integrity of the article according to the instructions for the author. If the following rules are not followed, the journal editorial board reserves the right to refuse publication and not refund the following fees:

1. The article is more than 20% redundant.

2. The author does not follow the format of the journal.

3. The article has not been reviewed by Peer Review, or

4. Do not revise the article according to the suggestion within the specified period (1 month after editorial notification).

The author can pay the fee via SCB bank account. Account number "140-274537-5" Once paid, submit the evidence in the journal system and send the evidence file to


 Submission of articles 

Online submission can be submitted online on the journal's website at


Preparation of Manuscripts

1) The original article must be at least 8 pages long and not more than 20 A4 pages (including references). Print on single page Thai language uses TH Niramit AS fonts. Set up the page with the top margin spaced. 1-inch left margin and right margin 1 inch bottom margin Set the line spacing equal to 1 and leave a line between each paragraph. Picture and table presentation Sharp images and tables must be presented with the image numbered below. In bold type, such as Table 1   or Table 1 and Figure 1, the presented images must contain complete and understandable information without having to go back to the body. Specify the order of all images in accordance with the content in the original. The description must be concise and consistent with the image presented.

2) The title must be in Thai and English. Print on the first page in the middle.

3) Author's name, both Thai and English Specify the name of the agency or organization unit.

4) No more than 400 words of abstract.

5) Keywords (3 - 5 words).

6) To sort the headings, type them along the left edge, the bullets are 3-5 characters apart from the big headings. Type the 6th and bullets of the same size. Add 0.5 more line ranges.

7) Using numbers, abbreviations, and parentheses, all Arabic numerals should be used. Use only universal abbreviations.


Research articles

1) Abstract

2) Introduction: Identify the importance of the research problem. Conceptual framework and identify research objectives

3) Literature review: Describe the results of the document search. article Various relevant research demonstrates the "knowledge gap" that has not yet been considered.

4) Conceptual Framework

5) Research Methodology: Identify research schemes Sample acquisition and sample sizing Research Instruments Data Collection and Analysis Methods.

6) Results: Clearly present the findings according to the research objectives in order. It should be presented in tabular or chart form.

7) Discussion: Presented as an essay, pointing out the connection of research results with the conceptual framework and past research. It should not be discussed in verses, but pointing out the interconnectedness of all the studied variables.

8) Body of Knowledge: Identify the body of knowledge gained as a result of research through synthesis in the form of charts, diagrams or concept charts with concise explanations. It's easy to understand. 

9) Conclusion: Identify key conclusions.

10) Suggestion: Present 2 points:

-Suggestions for utilization of research results

-Suggestions for the next research

11) References: This must be a referenced item. Both in the story and at the end of the article.


Academic Articles/Periscope Articles

1) Abstract)

2) Introduction

3) Content: Show the essence to be presented in order.

4) Conclusion)

5) References



The journal uses the APA6 style.

The documents cited should be from a clearly published source, possibly a journal. books or information on the Internet. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of all references. Before submitting the manuscript, the author of the article should check the correctness of the document reference. This is to prevent delays in the publication of articles because articles that are incorrectly cited will not be forwarded for consideration by experts until the citation has been corrected. For reference to the documents in that article. Use the APA system, use the font system using parentheses. Turn on-off and specify the author's full name and page number of the referenced document. Indicate the end of the referenced text. Documents referenced in this article must appear in all endnotes, and the article owner is responsible for the accuracy of all referenced documents. The format of the document reference is as follows:

1) One author to quote the author's last name. Commas, publication years, and referenced pages, e.g. (Keown, 2003)

2) Two authors shall cite the last names of two authors. Commas, publication years, and referenced pages, such as (Hersey &; Blanchard, 2000), and semicolons. (;) Sandwich between more than one referenced document, e.g. (Keown, 2003;

3) More than 2 authors  cite the last name of the first author, followed by  et al., year of publication, and the page referenced (Kaiser et al., 2008). 

4) Sort the author name references.


Reference examples


Eysenck, M. W., & Keane, M. (2000). Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook. England: Psychology Press.

Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B.J. & Anderson. R. E. (2014). Pearson New International Edition: Multivariate Data Analysis. (7th ed.). London: Pearson.


Book articles

Easton, B. (2008). Does poverty affect health? In K. Dew & A. Matheson (Eds.), Understanding health inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 97–106). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press.



 1) Printed Journal

Mogkaew, P. (2019). Construction of Dhammanamai Principles in Treatment of Thai Traditional Medicine of Prongmadaue Community, Muang District, Nakhonpathom Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(3), 45-58.

2) Online Journal If you don't have a DOI number

Wisetsri, W. (2020). The Perception of Brand Personality in the Context of Hotel of Undergraduate Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 1-12. Retrieved from

3) Online Journal If you have a DOI number

Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.


Encyclopedia Articles

McNeil, D. W. et al., (1994). Anxiety and fear. In Encyclopedia of human behavior. (Vol.1, pp. 151-163). San Diego: Academic Press.

Doctoral dissertation/ Master’s Thesis

Kittichayathorn, P. (2012). Styles and steps of community management movement for drug problem prevention learning center: A case of Thorraneekum, KhokFaet, Nong Chok, Bangkok(Doctoral dissertation). National Institute of Development Administration.

Marpue, S. (2013). Use mindfulness to apply to solve doing work Employees of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand(Master’s Thesis). Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.


Doyle, M. W. (22 June 2004).  Liberal Internationalism: Peace, War and Democracy. Retrieved September 2, 2013, from https://www. themes/peace/doyle/index.html


Government Gazette

Government Gazette. (2019). National Education Act (No. 4). Volume 136,  Part 57a,  Page 49 (1 May 2019).

Government Gazette. (2019). Notification of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Determine the type and size of the project or business for which the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and criteria must be prepared. method Procedures and guidelines for the preparation of environmental impact analysis reports. Volume 129,  Special Part 97 d, Page 1 (20 June 2012).


Publication format for journals

Original articles proposed for consideration for publication in the journal shall be in the *.docx  file format of Microsoft Word Version 2010 or greater. If the original contains images IN THE IMAGE FILE FORMAT *.PDF*.JPG*.GIF OR *.BMP, the length of the original must not exceed 15 pages (including abstracts, images, tables and references). The editorial team will consider the preliminary article on the correctness of the general format. If it is not approved, it will be sent back for correction. If passed, it will be considered by a qualified person when the assessment results pass or fail or are amended. The review of articles for publication will take into account diversity and suitability.

Editorial rights

In the event that the editorial staff or experts, who are invited to be experts who evaluate the article, are of the opinion that it should be corrected. The editorial team will return it for editing by the owner of the article, adhering to the recommendations of the qualified auditors as the main criteria and/or reserve the right not to consider not publishing. In the case of research reports Academic or research articles do not meet the guidelines of the journal or fail to pass the editorial or expert review when the article is published, the author receives the journal. Link to the publication of the article together with the certificate of publication of the journal article.