Livable City and Mass Garbage in Growing of AEC Market

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Yanakorn Torprayoon


This research has objective to study current condition of problem and provide proposal
strategies of disposal garbage format of Thailand consistency changing to AEC. This research has
in-depth interview is tool, related person of disposal garbage of public and private sector on
specific sampling for 30 person and collection data on analyzing essence. The research result
found that AEC should be realized to 3 problems contains 1) In term of law found that is weaken
enforcement, 2) In term of disposal found that lack of unity in work and no directly in charge
agency and 3) In term of unite found that not operating in same direction and should be have 1)
Law strategies found that shall be development and improvement as modern law, strictly
enforcement for control and flexible protection to context of readiness of AEC, 2) Strategies of
unite found that all countries must to be strictly corporate and sincere without only benefits, has
same standard of development and 3) Strategies of disposal found that shall be establishing
independent organization as clearly structure, educate in health should be follow up and

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How to Cite
Torprayoon, Y. . (2022). Livable City and Mass Garbage in Growing of AEC Market. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(3), 57–69. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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