The Participation of Buddhist Monks in Promoting Buddhist and Cultural Learning in the Eastern Seaboard

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Jatuton Phommee


Research on the participation of Buddhist monks in the promoting of Buddhist and cultural Learning in the Eastern Seaboard, was to investigate the participation of Buddhist monks and the factors related to their participation in the promotion of Buddhist and cultural Learning to the people in the Eastern Seaboard. And was to investigate the problem and suggestion the participation in the promotion of Buddhist and cultural Learning to the people in the Eastern Seaboard.
1.Participation of monks indicated that there were four types of their participation: 1) Participation in religious rites 2) Participation in Buddhist and cultural education 3) Participation in CSR activities 4) Participation in the coordination between organizations
2. The problems and barriers indicated that 1) the monks had no clear plans or projects. 2) The Company was not aware of the importance of introducing the Dharma principles to the employees in the factory. 3) There was lack of good coordination between the monks and the industrial estates. 4) The monks lacked skilled personnel in the Dharma propagation.
3. The suggestion indicated that 1) the monks should have policies clearly through cooperating or MOU with the companies. 2) The company should supported the employees to participation in the promotion of Buddhist and cultural Learning always. 3) Government agencies should serve to promote the work of the monks.

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How to Cite
Phommee, J. . (2020). The Participation of Buddhist Monks in Promoting Buddhist and Cultural Learning in the Eastern Seaboard. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 11–22. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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