Desirable Characteristics of Administrators as demanded by Personnel of Vocational Colleges under the Jurisdiction of Office of Vocational Education Commission, Bueng Kan Province

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Cholticha Khosit


The purposes of this research is and to compare the desirable characteristics of administrators as perceived by personnel of Vocational Colleges under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Bueng Kan Province, as classified by gender, position and educational level. The samples included 83 teachers and 14 officers of Vocational Colleges under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Bueng Kan Province, determined by Krejcie and Morgan’s sample-size table and a proportional stratified random sampling. The instrument used in this research was the 5-rating scale questionnaire and reliability at 0.88 The statistics used for analyzing the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research results were found that follows: 1) The desirable characteristics of administrators as perceived by personnel of Vocational Colleges under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Bueng Kan Province, as a whole was at high level. When considered by aspect, it was found all aspects at high level, in the order of means from high to low, namely morality/ethic, management skills, leadership, personality and academic aspects, respectively. 2) The comparison results of opinion on the desirable characteristics of administrators as perceived by personnel of Vocational Colleges under the jurisdiction of the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Bueng Kan Province, as classified by gender, position and working experience were as a whole and in aspects with no difference.

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How to Cite
Khosit, C. . (2020). Desirable Characteristics of Administrators as demanded by Personnel of Vocational Colleges under the Jurisdiction of Office of Vocational Education Commission, Bueng Kan Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 43–56. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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