An Analytical study of Four Iddhipada Effecting Moral Development Ubonrat Ratchakhanya College, Bang Kaew Sub-District, Nakhon Chaisri District Nakhon Pathom

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Phra Pongsathon Lablerdlob


This quantitative research has three objectives as follows: (1) to investigate the 4 Iddhipada in the Theravadan Buddhism; (2) to investigate the concept of the ethical virtues development; and (3) to analyze the 4 Iddhipada affecting the ethical virtues Development through the Buddhist Ways in the Princess Ubolratana Rajakanya's College, Bang Kaew Sub-District, Nakhon Chai Sri: District Nakhon Pathom Province. This survey-focused quantitative research had been conducted with its 235 junior student population based on Taro Yamane sampling table and 148 samples were randomized. The statistical analysis applications were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD), T–Test, F–Test, One-Way Anova and Least Significant Difference (LSD).The research findings shown: 1. All the 5 aspects in the concept of the 4 Iddhipada (the Four Paths of Accomplishment) in the Theravada Buddhism, by overview, were 3.85 levels. By each aspect, it was found that as of education, it earned moderate level where as moral conduct, responsibilityfor family, responsibility for the school and responsibility for community and the nation through the 4 Iddhipada were at high levels.
2. It was found with the concept of ethical virtues development distributed by personal data that students with sex, class levels, age, parental careers, and parental statuses had no difference in their ethical virtue development. The hypotheses were therefore rejected. On the contrary, by GPAs, students had differences in their ethical virtues development. The hypothesis was then retained.
3. In analyzing the 4 Iddhipada affecting ethical virtues development through the Buddhist Ways in the Princess Ubolratana Rajakanya's College; it was found that education, moral conduct, responsibility for family, responsibility for the school and responsibility for community and the nation through the 4Iddhipada has no relationship with sex, class levels, age, parental careers, and parental statuses. However, in all the five aspects of ethical virtue development had positive relationship with their GPAs.

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How to Cite
Lablerdlob, P. P. . (2020). An Analytical study of Four Iddhipada Effecting Moral Development Ubonrat Ratchakhanya College, Bang Kaew Sub-District, Nakhon Chaisri District Nakhon Pathom. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(3), 11–24. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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