Conscious Building the Good Citizenship in Community development and Urbanized Buddhist Community in Nakhon Pathom Province

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Pramaha Prakasit Thitipasitthikorn
PhrapaladPrapoj Yusamran
Sanya Sodprasert


This article is part of the research on “Network Conscious Building the Good Citizenship in Community development and Urbanized Buddhist Community in Nakhon Pathom Province. This research has the objective to study citizenship awareness in community development and urbanization of Nakhon Pathom province. Using the integrated research methodology, namely quantitative research The quantitative data were collected from 375 samples. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation. And qualitative research 24 in-depth interviews with key informants/person and 12 specific group conversations/person, analyzing data in context and describing.


The research found that

  1. 1. Awareness of citizenship in community development and urbanization of communities in Nakhon Pathom Province From the study of the context of community development and urbanization of urban communities in the study area, it can be seen that the mechanism of urbanization is "Bowon" with "community funds" that are fundamental factors that drive communities to develop. Cooperation from civil society Having visionary leaders Sake for the common good that wants to see the development of areas in various fields. It can grow faith and common awareness of the people in the community. Having religious places as temples as a center Is both a place to sell educational opportunities Is a source of economic promotion Reliance between the temple and the community Causing consciousness to participate in community development activities into a city where all stakeholders can make decisions Join in the process, get the results and participate in the evaluation. And the people in the community who are affected by the development have the opportunity to suggest ideas together to find a joint solution to drive community development activities. Therefore is an expression of citizenship awareness as according to democracy.

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How to Cite
Thitipasitthikorn, P. P. ., Yusamran, P. ., & Sodprasert, S. . (2020). Conscious Building the Good Citizenship in Community development and Urbanized Buddhist Community in Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 63–80. retrieved from
Research Articles


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