Organizational Transition into Innovative Organization

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Chanthana Udom
Nongnooch Paiboonrattananon
Phairoj Butchiwan
Harin Sachdev
Phrakru kanchanakitsophon


It is necessary to apply processing factors for the effective driving in organization and human resource development. They consist of internal; customers’ needs, competitors, changeable technology with development and external factors; person, group and organization. These two factors are overview of human resource management when these factors are integrated as driving factors by applying human resource development with innovative creativity for driving force to successful and complete innovative organization.

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How to Cite
Udom, C. ., Paiboonrattananon, N. ., Butchiwan, P., Sachdev, H. ., & kanchanakitsophon, P. (2020). Organizational Transition into Innovative Organization. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 81–90. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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