The way of Life According to Buddhist Morality Among Covid 19

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Phrakhrupalad Suwat Suvuddhano
Phra Panyarattanakorn Somruay


The epidemic of Corona Virus (COVID-19) has affected to the way of people’s life in directly and indirectly as well as both short term and long term. No matter of being illness, death, revenue of people decreasing, which took place out of work and to reduce working times. It has been the result from defensive measure economic of government that wanted to solve problem and intercepted to spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19). In this situation, it made the happiness in the way of people’s life reduce. From changing to occur, it has impacted to daily life. However, we could use this situation to be the opportunity by using the way of life follow to Dharma in Buddhism.
This article wanted to present the way of life follow to Dharma in Buddhism as follows; 1) the happiness in the way of life follow to Dharma in Buddhism 2) to be mindfulness in the way of life follow to Dharma in Buddhism 3) The way of life be carefully follow to Dharma in Buddhism in order to be the way of education continuously.

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How to Cite
Suvuddhano, P. S. ., & Somruay, P. P. (2020). The way of Life According to Buddhist Morality Among Covid 19. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 115–128. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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