Classroom Management for Developing 21st Century Learning Skills

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Phumphakhawat Phumphongkhochasorn


Classroom management in the 21st century is students and learning has changed a lot the incoming technology has changed dramatically. Which affects many changes in classroom conditions, changes in classroom equipment. The development of male teachers has the greatest potential. Class management to develop learning skills must emphasize the development of learning skills in the 21st century. Class management must include planning, thinking and self-development practices of teachers and students and organizing the environment in the classroom systematically, with principles of attention to the learners and promote learning with the goal of good classroom management. Therefore, good class management therefore is a tool to encourage learners to better understand themselves. To self-assess develop yourself efficiently classroom management in the 21st century learning style requires classroom management to increase learners' efficiency. The internal environment layout must make students more interested in learning and promote the development of teachers to see the integration of skills, tools, teaching methods in line with classroom management in the 21st century. The knowledge side of teachers in the search for learning management styles for students increasing the skills of learners in the 21st century is to give students the ability to think, analyze, distinguish and solve immediate problems. Not only learning in the classroom able to study and search for knowledge by oneself Including curriculum development as a process planning for organizing all types of learning activities in order for students to change behavior according to the aims and objectives set a good course must increase efficiency and effectiveness for both learners and teachers.

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How to Cite
Phumphongkhochasorn, P. . (2020). Classroom Management for Developing 21st Century Learning Skills. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 591–600. Retrieved from
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